Knights of Columbus (KUCA)
The Knights of Columbus Manitoba State Council has initiated a new wave of activity to celebrate a very special moment in the history of the Order that was founded almost 140 years ago in 1882. This month the priest that found the Knights - Father Michael McGivney - will be declared "Blessed" on October 31st, 2020
(see video below)
To celebrate this, the Supreme Council of the Knights is offering a very special opportunity...
Any Catholic man that would like to join the Knights of Columbus as an "On-line Member" can do so - for Free! Go to and explore the page and then click [Join Today] at the bottom of that page (He just has to use this Special Code: 'MCGIVNEY2020') This unique opportunity lasts only until the end of 2020.
Questions you might have:
What does an "Online Member" mean?
- This man gets the same benefits as a regular member without attending meetings, or being part of a Council
- He can help on projects, participate in programs, or help to service at Church.
- He can have access to purchase K of C insurance as well.
- He then can become a regular member whenever he wants. (It's a new way to join in our online and pandemic culture)
Founder Fr. Michael MvGivney to be Beatified October 31, 2020
The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. There are almost 15,000 Councils around the world of Catholic men dedicated to providing charitable services within both the Church and their communities.
The 9 Councils within the Ukrainian community bound together over two decades ago to increase communication and brotherhood between these Councils and within the Archeparchy. This union became known as the Knights of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy or KUCA.
Today, representatives from nine of these Councils meet on a monthly basis to foster progress within our Church and community as well as helping the youth through the Youth Winter Games and our support of Ukrainian Park Camp.
President: Br. Bernard Boguski