May 6, 2020
As part of the annual National Week for Life and the Family, Metropolitan-Archbishop Lawrence Huculak will lead a special prayer service "for Life" and "the family" to which everyone is invited.
Every year, during the National Week, the three Archbishops of southern Manitoba have offered a "Mass for Life" or a "Liturgy for Life" in all three jurisdictions or, sometimes, all together in one. This year, however, due to the complications brought on by Covid-19 restrictions, the idea is to have an event by which the faithful can participate online - via livestreaming.
The date chosen was Sunday, May 10! Does it ring a bell? Well, of course, it is Mother's Day. Many parishes will have a special Divine Liturgy prayer in the morning at which our mothers will be duly recognized for their amazing unconditional love that they show to their children from the moment of conception and throughout their lives. It is a custom to have throughout the Month of May - brief, daily 'May devotions' ("Mayivky"). In most cases, this means the ever popular Moleben' service.
After a wonderful family Sunday, the faithful often gather in the evening - back at the parish church (or some Marian shrine) - for the Marian service and to hear a brief lesson on some aspect of Mariology or some related reflection about Christian living.
This year, Metropolitan's Moleben' for Life and the Family will take place at a church dedicated in Mary's honour - "BVM" a.k.a. Blessed Virgin Mary Protectress in Winnipeg's North End. He will be assisted by Parish Priest Fr. Volodymyr Bashutskyy.
The extraordinary beauties and glories of the large bright church are several. The first, by far of course, is the presence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Accentuating this location as a place where the Divine dwells, are some extraordinary works of art. Immediately visible upon entering the church is the massive contemporary Roman Kowal mosaic of the Protection of the Mother of God on the apse. To the left of the Sanctuary is a rare, also contemporary, icon of the Protection of the Mother of God done by famous Ukrainian painter Modest Sosenko and brought to Winnipeg by Canada's first Bishop - the hieromartyr Blessed Nykyta Budka.*
1. If you are a registered Facebook user, you can simply click [HERE] for the livestream
2. Otherwise you can view the Moleben' later on the Archeparchy's YouTube channel [HERE]
3. You can pray a Moleben' on your own at the same time or tune in to a livestreamed Moleben' at St. Joseph or Holy Eucharist Parish (also at the same time) and then view the Metropolitan's special prayer and homily when it is posted (see #2 above).
*Access or download the children's activity book on Blessed Nykyta [HERE]
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