August 7, 2021

On the Feast of the Transfiguration, St. Basil's Parish in Winnipeg was blessed to have so many young people at the Liturgy. It might have been a bit of a surprise to see in the middle of the pandemic, but it was a sign of the hope that is in the air that the Church is coming into a different time. They want to share the joy they experienced with sister parishes.

On August 6th, we are celebrated one of the Twelve Great Feasts in our Liturgical year - the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord - Преображення Господнє. In the New Testament we see very clearly the manifestation of the human nature of Jesus: His Nativity, Circumcision, Passion, Crucifixion and even Death as a man. But there are some moments which reveal to us His divine nature: His Baptism, the Miracles, the Healings, but the culmination of that is the event which happened on the Mount Tabor - the Transfiguration. Jesus showed to His disciples and to all of us His divine nature. God's Glory was revealed in Jesus though His human body. Every one of us is called to this transformation, the transfiguration, the divinization in our life.
One of the important symbols of transformation is the blessing of the first fruits after the Divine Liturgy. We witness how little seeds, not by blind chance, but by God's care, transfigured into beautiful and fully ripened fruit.
The children of St. Basil's Parish actively participated at the Divine Liturgy, the blessing and, of course, the eating of the fruits.
"We extol You, O Christ the Source of life, and we venerate the holy transfiguration of Your most pure flesh" Exaltation from Matins
- Fr. Mykhaylo, Pastor

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